Every diamond is unique, no two are the same. But we have some parameters that help us establish their value and quality. It′s the 4Cs: cut, clarity, color and carat. Like every diamond, lab-grown diamonds too are evaluated according to these 4 criteria. Getting to know it will help you understand which stone best suits your needs.


Cut is what gives the rough stone its shape and personality, turning into the final diamond. A work that is a real form of art, where creating the perfect balance of angles, proportions and symmetries is required. The cut is what allows the light to best reflect on the surface of the diamond: the more the cut is multifaceted, the more the stone would shine. Live Diamond diamonds and precious stones are hand cut and hand polished and are of two kinds, brilliant and baguette. The baguette cut, with 25 facets, has a rectangular shape: simple and tapered, it′s one of the most iconic and recognizable cuts. The round brilliant shape, with 57 facets, is the one that most enhances the shininess of the stone.


Clarity indicates the transparency and homogeneity of a cut diamond. During its formation, both in nature and lab, invisible to the eye imperfections are born, called inclusions. The less we have it, the more the diamond will appear brilliant. At the very same time, inclusions are what makes the diamond unique, a sort of ID. Live Diamond stones have a SI minimum purity (Small Inclusions). .


The diamonds have a full range of different nuances: from icy white, from pink to yellow.
The lack of color is an important parameter to exstablish its value, that is measurable through a scale that goes from D to Z: D is the most candid white, Z has warmer tones. Live Diamond works with diamonds classified with G and H minimum quality, two very pure nuances of white that allows light to refract creating beautiful reflections.


The carat is the unità di misura universale del diamante: un carato equivale a circa 1/5 di grammo. Il peso del diamante determina la sua grandezza, quindi il suo diametro. Le nostre pietre hanno una vasta gamma di carature, ideale per venire incontro alle vostre esigenze: da quelle più delicate a quelle più importanti, ognuna è perfetta per celebrare i vostri momenti preziosi.